

Brian Deutsch
President & CEO
Low res 123kb
High res 1.7MB
Behrooz Parsay
Head of Engineering
Low res 138kb
High res 8.34MB
Bill Waters
Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales
Low res 105kb
Glenn Tamaru
Vice President, Operations
Low res 322kb
High res 1.87MB
Khuong Ngo
Director, ASIC & Hardware
Low res 322kb
High res 2.7MB
Paul Truong
Director, Software
Low res 369kb
High res 2.257MB

Logo and Image Guidelines: Aperto Networks logos and images are a valuable property of Aperto Networks, Inc., and are the most visible expression of the Aperto brand. It is essential that the Aperto Networks logo remain free of graphics, photography, typography and other corporate identities. The logo must not be altered in color, type or proportions - and should always standalone and remain in its entirety. All Aperto logos and images used on Web sites are required to link to the Aperto Web site: Your support in following these guidelines is crucial to maintaining a clear and positive image of Aperto Networks.

Note: To download the portraits, place your cursor over the link, right click and choose "Save Target As" or click on the link and choose "Save As". High resolution files are to be used for print purposes, low resolution files are to be used for Web and Powerpoint purposes only.